Building Resilience to Extreme Heat: Strategies for a Safer Future

To combat the urban heat island effect, communities can implement cooling infrastructure such as cool and green roofs, as well as cool pavement. Cool roofs are designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less heat, reducing the overall temperature of buildings and neighborhoods.

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grey and brown brick wall

Ezra 4: The Story of Rejection, Plot, and Resilience

Have you ever encountered resistance while striving to pursue something meaningful in your life? The story you are about to read is a good source…

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bunch of green and brown bamboos

Top 10 Reasons Why Filipinos Are Resilient

Despite many challenges, Filipinos remain standing like that of the Bamboo. No matter how strong the wind that battered its leaves, it will remain standing. Here are the top 10 reasons why Filipinos are resilient:

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