The Significance of Ethiopia and Alexandria in Christianity

Discover the significance of Ethiopia and Alexandria in the development of Christian traditions and theology. Learn about Ethiopia’s early Christian heritage and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Explore Alexandria’s role in Christian scholarship and theology, including its influential theologians and theological debates. Gain insight into the rich diversity of Christian history and belief.

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What Requires Us to be Great? A Sermon Based on Matthew 22:34-46

In Matthew 22:34-46, we find a thought-provoking conversation between Jesus and the Pharisees, where they discuss the greatest commandment. And there are practical steps included in our journey to greatness.

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Theological Reflection: Contextual Mission in a Changing World

In today’s rapidly changing world, it is crucial for the Church to adapt and respond to the evolving context in which it finds itself. The global society we live in is becoming increasingly interconnected, yet at the same time, it is also becoming more diverse and localized.

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The Biblical Demonstration of Acts of Mercy

Acts of mercy are compassionate actions performed to alleviate the suffering of others. It is a demonstration of love, kindness, and empathy towards those in need. In the Bible, acts of mercy are not only encouraged but also seen as a reflection of God’s character and a way for believers to imitate Him.

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Understanding Imago Dei: The Image of God in Human Beings

Imago Dei, a Latin phrase meaning “Image of God,” refers to the theological concept in Christianity that asserts that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.

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Understanding Misio Dei: God’s Mission in the World

Misio Dei, translated as the “Mission of God,” refers to the understanding that God is a missionary God, actively engaged in the world. It emphasizes God’s initiative in reaching out to humanity, inviting people to participate in God’s redemptive mission.

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Acts 15 and the Missional Church

The book of Acts, often referred to as the birth of the early Christian Church, provides insights into the principles and practices of a missional church. Acts 15, in particular, presents a moment in the early Christian community, highlighting the essence of inclusion, unity, and purpose. This essay explores Acts 15 and its significance in shaping the missional nature of the Church.

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The Land of Israel, the Jewish People, and the Common Present

To this date, the historical timeline of the Land of Israel serves as evidence for the permanent affiliation of Jews with their motherland. The Jewish people have traced their roots back to biblical times since at least 2000 BC when Abraham was chosen by God as the forefather of the Jewish nation.

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The Parable of the Wedding Banquet: A Short Comments on Matthew 22:1-14

In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus tells a parable and shows how it is important in people’s lives. The Parable of the Wedding Banquet 1 Jesus spoke…

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A Review of the Books of 1 and 2 Samuel

Both 1 & 2 Samuel are written during a critical transitional phase of Israel’s development as a nation, charting the important political, religious, and private events that helped shape the destiny of these people. The first chapter of Samuel is a record of the birth of the renowned prophet, Samuel, who became instrumental in choosing Israel’s first king, Saul, and also anointing Dåvid as a future king.

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Leviticus 27:30-31: Tithing and Spirituality

We, Christians, were taught to practice tithing. For instance, the United Methodist Church views tithing as the ‘minimum goal of giving’. It urges its local churches to strive towards being “tithing congregations with an attitude of generosity”.

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How God Wants Us to Use Our Time

Time is a precious gift that God has given us. It is a resource that we must use wisely and responsibly. In this article, we will explore how God wants us to use our time and the importance of making the most of every moment.

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The Power of Political Wills: Driving Positive Change in Society

Discover the power of political will in driving positive change within societies. Explore its definition, influence on policies, historical examples, challenges, and global impact. Learn how political will shapes societies and drives meaningful change.

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The Lord’s Displeasure: Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs 6:16-19 is a powerful passage that sheds light on the things that the Lord hates and considers an abomination. As Christians, it is important for us to understand these verses and reflect on how they apply to our lives.

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The Next Big Thing in Church Leadership

We should be aware of it that today’s rapidly changing world, the role of church leadership is evolving to meet the challenges and opportunities presented by technology and shifting societal norms. The next big thing in church leadership is an enormous shift toward digital transformation and inclusivity.

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Why Apocryphal Books are Not Included in the Protestant Bible

Why my Bible does not contain the Deutero-canonical books which are also known as Apocryphal Books (Die Apokryhen). These are books written between the Old and New Testament (Intertestamental period).

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