brown game pieces on white surface

The Misconceptions of Leadership and True Qualities of a Good Leader

The Horrible Notions of Who Leaders Should Be Leadership is a concept that has been debated and analyzed for centuries. Throughout history, various notions of…

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The Negative Effects of Imaginary Power in Leadership

In leadership, power is a necessary component to guide and influence others towards a common goal. However, when power becomes imaginary, it can have detrimental effects on both the leader and the team.

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Leading Forward Towards the Blessed Destination

I am fascinated with the passages in Deuteronomy 1:6-8. This scripture reminds us of the importance of leading forward towards the blessed destination that God has prepared for us. Let us explore three key points from this passage.

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The Key to Social Progress

In today’s world, where social and religious differences often lead to conflict, it is crucial for us to foster understanding and acceptance. Embracing diversity is…

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pink pencil on open bible page and pink

The Bible: The Ultimate Guide for Faith and Church Administration

The Foundation of Faith The Bible serves as the ultimate guide for faith, providing believers with a solid foundation to build their lives upon. Its…

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