The Missional Church in Wesleyan Theology and Spirituality


The Missional Church is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years. It refers to a church that is actively engaged in participating in God’s mission in the world. In this essay, we will explore what it means to be a Missional Church and how Wesleyan theology and spirituality are relevant to this mission.

What does Missional Church mean?

The term Missional Church emphasizes the idea that the church exists not for its own sake, but for the sake of the world. It is a shift from a focus on the internal needs of the church to an outward focus on reaching and serving others.

A Missional Church seeks to emulate the mission of Jesus Christ, who came to seek and save the lost. It recognizes that God is already at work in the world and calls the church to join in that work. It involves a radical reorientation of the church’s priorities, moving away from self-preservation and towards sacrificial service.

Wesleyan Theology and the Missional Church

Wesleyan theology provides a solid foundation for understanding and engaging in the Missional Church. At its core, Wesleyan theology emphasizes the idea of holiness and the transformation of individuals and communities by the power of the Holy Spirit.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, believed that the gospel of Jesus Christ was not just a message to be proclaimed, but a message to be lived out. He understood that faith without works is dead and that true discipleship involves both personal piety and social holiness.

Wesleyan theology places a strong emphasis on the idea of prevenient grace, the idea that God’s grace is at work in the world before we even recognize it. This aligns perfectly with the Missional Church, which recognizes that God is already at work in the world and invites the church to join in that work.

Wesleyan Spirituality and the Missional Church

Wesleyan spirituality provides the framework for individuals and communities to live out the mission of the church. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, fasting, and worship.

These spiritual disciplines help to align our hearts and minds with the heart and mind of Christ. They cultivate a deep sense of connection with God and empower us to live out our faith in practical ways.

Wesleyan spirituality also emphasizes the idea of social holiness, the idea that faith is not just an individual pursuit, but a communal one. It calls us to love our neighbors, care for the poor and marginalized, and seek justice in the world.


The Missional Church is a powerful concept that challenges us to move beyond the walls of our churches and engage in God’s mission in the world. Wesleyan theology and spirituality provide a solid foundation for understanding and living out this mission. By embracing the Missional Church and fostering Wesleyan spirituality, we can truly be the hands and feet of Jesus in a broken and hurting world.

Author: revrogesison
Is an Ordained Clergy of the United Methodist Church. Graduated Master of Divinity at Bishop Han Theological Seminary - Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

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