The Land of Israel, the Jewish People, and the Common Present

To this date, the historical timeline of the Land of Israel serves as evidence for the permanent affiliation of Jews with their motherland. The Jewish people have traced their roots back to biblical times since at least 2000 BC when Abraham was chosen by God as the forefather of the Jewish nation. The leadership was handed down to Isaac who then took over by Jacob as leader of whom he was named Israel.

In 1400 BC, it was a historic turning point for the Jewish people as they started their pilgrimage and followed Moses into their beloved land after being forced out from slavery in the land of Egypt. In 1010 BC, the United Kingdom was founded by Saul who was made king through God’s anointing power by the Prophet Samuel. He brought together the twelve tribes which had been existing for centuries. He was succeeded by the shepherd David, son of Jesse, who made the kingdom great through his leadership. The construction of the first Temple by King Solomon, son of King David, in 970 BC contributed to the expansion of their civilization.

But there were challenges that came up later. After the division of Israel into two kingdoms in 930 BC, foreign conquests were imminent. It is interesting that despite this conquest the Jewish spirit proved itself invincible even after the Assyrian conquest in 722 B.C. and the Babylonian conquest of 605 B.C. The Persian conquest provided the Jews with some hope when they sent the Jews back home to re-establish their temple.

The Jewish people demonstrated indestructible resilience and adhered strictly to their religion during the rise and fall of empires despite the onslaught of Roman conquer in 70, and the birth and death of Jesus Christ in 6BC and 9AD However, the Jews held on and built up a community, sustained their practices, and continued to trust in their religion.

One of the most critical moments in Jewish history happened in the year 1948 when the United Nations founded the State of Israel. The occurrence of this historical event vividly showed the unbreakable bond between the Jews and their land. The unbroken historical lineage of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, notwithstanding other narratives, is certainly established.

Their resilience is deeply ingrained in their abiding faith; a tenet that has seen them survive numerous tests and victories for centuries. It is not just about an escape, it’s how they thrive amidst challenges. As we think back over this amazing ride today, it comes down to our belief and our willpower.

When accepting this deep groundwork it has set, let us not forget that in this land all people are one; therefore they should be empathetic, tolerant, and united. To a great extent, it is irrelevant that the past was painful since the common present provides a chance to live together in peace and partnership by all those who inhabit the Land of Israel. In this rich cloth, let us take a lesson from our diverse past, embrace the distinctiveness that marks off this land, and hail the fortitude of mankind that holds us all together.

Author: revrogesison
Is an Ordained Clergy of the United Methodist Church. Graduated Master of Divinity at Bishop Han Theological Seminary - Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

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