philippine money on black surface

Leviticus 27:30-31: Tithing and Spirituality

We, Christians, were taught to practice tithing. For instance, the United Methodist Church views tithing as the ‘minimum goal of giving’. It urges its local churches to strive towards being “tithing congregations with an attitude of generosity”.

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Overcoming Spiritual Laziness: Reignite Your Passion for Christian Mission

Spiritual laziness is a state of apathy and complacency in one’s relationship with God. It is the lack of effort and desire to grow spiritually, resulting in a stagnant and unfruitful Christian life.

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judges desk with gavel and scales

The Transformative Power of Obedience: Embracing God’s Laws

We are now living in digital realities. And we could that the world is not the same 10 years ago. Many a people are outdating the obedience to God’s laws which may seem burdensome in digital era. However, we, Christians are still up to recognize that obeying God’s laws brings immense benefits to our lives, both spiritually and practically than that of the revolutionized belief on science and technology.

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